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See your test scores and class grades when ever you want. Know how much you need to study to make the grade. Understand how assignments affect your final score.

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Talk to your teacher about your grade to understand to do better. Find out how you can a better grade next time or do extra credit assignments.

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Improve your grade with feedback from your teacher. Negotiate a better grade by convincing your teacher. UpGrade your school performance.

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Track your progress.

You could track your grades with this app and know how you're doing. Never fall behind in your classes, stay updateded on all your assignments. Make your friends jealous and earn more allowance money.

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Discuss with your teacher.

You are able to have a conversation with your teachers about your grades. If you feel you deserve a better grade, explain it to your teacher. A perfect way to get more help.

UpGrade Now!

Dont settle for a bad grade.
UpGrade now, YOU DESERVE IT!!!

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